Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Lord of the Flies Found Poem

Clicky clicky


  1. Great video, the changing font to indicate certain aspects of your poem was a nice touch to it all. I assume you made the song on your own, so that really stood out from all the other projects I've seen so far.


  2. >.< Haha I like the background music!!! Amazing how it corresponds to the content of your poem so nicely.

  3. The poem, music, and the background image all fits really well together. I think you should change the color of some words to increase their visibility because some were very hard to read (I dunno maybe its just me).


  4. Nice background music! I also like the way your group changed the fonts and the colour of the letters of the poem. Great job :)


  5. I liked how you guys put the poem inside the video using different fonts because when I first saw your post, I thought I won't have the script to read the poem. Great work!

  6. It was a good poem. There was white noise along with the music/narration, however I supposed that can't be helped with the time and equipment limitations. The idea of styling the font to match with the atmosphere was great, however there were times that it blends with the background and was unreadable.
    - Leri

  7. Well made, I loved how you played around with the words by making them colorful and tangly. I agree with most of the people here about how some words being hard to read. I would also prefer if there is vocal narration, since it does sound quite dry with just the bass playing. Though I can see that a lot of effort had been put into this, so keep up the good work!

    - Philip Wu

  8. wow great background music! Did you play the guitar? it sounds so tropical lol anyways I enjoyed the video, thanks for sharing.

  9. Good video, but in my honest opinion, it can be improved. To me, a poem is an entire experience, and I just felt that the phrases passed by too fast to make an impact on the reader. It was much more difficult to see the links between one line and the next due to how the lines were going by one by one, which causes a disconnection being the pieces of the poem connecting together to form the imagery. Still, as Philip said before, there was definitely effort in this presentation. Good job.

    - Vincent T.

  10. what I really liked was the originality and creativity your group employed: did you use garage band or did you use your own acoustic guitar for this one? this is way neater than some canned music you steal from somewhere! kind of eerie in mood...
    awesome idea to employ font size, style and colour
    wonderful collaborative effort...
